Nuclino Sidekick
Stay focused on what matters and let your new AI‑powered teammate handle all the busy work.
Stay focused on what matters and let your new AI‑powered teammate handle all the busy work.
What used to take hours, takes seconds with Sidekick.
Don't spend time searching – Sidekick can instantly answer any question based on your team's content.
Tap into Sidekick's limitless creativity to help you think outside the box and generate great ideas with ease.
Sidekick can create all kinds of images – 2D and 3D, abstract and photorealistic, detailed and simple.
Don't let writer's block hold you back – turn a few keywords into quality content with Sidekick's help.
Sidekick can take messy notes and craft concise summaries, extract action items, fix errors, and more.
Let Sidekick scour your content and instantly find the answer you need.
Write clear, concise, and impactful messages in seconds.
Effortlessly distill the key points of your meetings.
Eliminate needlessly convoluted sentences and technical jargon.
Instantly visualize any idea or concept in your preferred style.
Stand out from the competition with expertly-written taglines.
Break down language barriers and let Sidekick translate for you.
Say goodbye to typos and ensure that your writing is error-free.
Join forces with Sidekick and explore what you can do together.